Saturday 1 August 2020

Back to the future:

Time machines and time travel are the stuff of science fiction; countless movies, television and radio programs, books and comics have featured the tales of those who travel backward or forward in time.

A very popular movie trilogy in the 80’s saw Marty McFly travel around time in the relative comfort of a DeLorean sports-car, interacting with his parents before they became an “item”. He faced the same dilemma that all fictional time travelers face, if they change the past, the impact upon the present may prevent themselves from being born…there have been many “solutions” to this quandary, but few, if any actually solve it.

This shall be written for the generation to come; and the people who shall be created shall praise Jehovah. Psalm 102:18

Some of us might wish we could somehow go back to the crossroads moments in our lives for a do-over. But that only happens in the movies. What is possible is to make a choice now that will change not only your future, but the futures of many others - even people who haven't been born yet. It's a decision future generations will be very grateful that you made.

The choice that changes many futures revolves around the man who made this simple but profound promise: "I am making everything new!" (Revelation 21:5). Those are the words of Jesus Christ, the man who has changed so many lives, so many families over the centuries. 

I know I got a new dad because one day he acknowledged he had the spiritual cancer that the Bible calls sin; that he needed Jesus Christ in his life to forgive him and change him. And Jesus did change him. That transformed man planted seeds in me that have come up in my children, and I now see sprouting in my grandchildren. It all would have been so different had it not been for that day when my dad placed his life in Jesus' hands.

Psalm 102:18, comments on this potential we all have to profoundly leave our mark on the future. It says: "Let this be written for a future generation, that a people not yet created may praise the Lord." One man or woman who gets right with God can inject a life-changing, life-stabilizing faith into many who will come after them.

For you, for those you love, and for those who come from your life, so much depends on what you do with Jesus. The miracle begins when you recognize your need for the forgiving, life-changing work of Jesus Christ - the miracle made possible by His death on the cross and His resurrection from the dead. If there's never been a time when you've opened your life to this amazing Savior, if you've lived enough days without His love, His forgiving, His power in your life, why don't you tell Him that you want this to be the day you begin your personal relationship with Him. Tell Him, "Jesus, I believe that only the Man who died for my sin can forgive my sin and remove my sin. So here I am, Lord, I'm Yours."

Every life leaves a legacy. Every life marks the lives of many others - including people you'll never meet. There is no greater legacy you can leave than a life that radiates the goodness, the love, the power of Jesus Christ. It begins with you the day you begin with Him.

While none of us can change the past, it's possible however to limit its impact upon the future. The founding father of Methodist movement, John Wesley built the faith community around three simple rules: “Do No Harm, Do Good, and Stay in Love with God.” No matter what time period we live in, those three simple rules still apply. 

If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayer that is made in this place. 2 Chronicles 7:14-15 RSV

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