Thursday 15 July 2021

Three Blind Mice....

No, not the type of mice in the children's nursery rhyme... rather the billionaire type currently racing each other to "earn" their astronaut "wings". 

Three mega-billionaires proving to all of us earthbound mortals that they don't care one iota for humanity, and the ills of our sin-soaked planet. They trumpet their obscene wealth and greed in the worst possible way.... not for them pouring their billions into defeating climate change, cleaning the oceans, reforesting and terraforming the burgeoning deserts of Africa, the Americas, Asia.


Sadly, but predictably, their greed has blinded them to the real world. Their hardened hearts have steeled them to the cries of dying children everywhere, children dying from starvation, lack of potable water, from diseases that a few hundred million $$ could defeat.

That image on the left is 1 billion dollars in 100 dollar bills, imagine what 200 more piles of that much money could do... 

For....planet earth

For... world poverty

For...the starving masses

For ... economic and social justice

For...research into killer diseases

For...conquering mental health issues. 

But no, these 3 men are pouring their wealth into the biggest vanity project the world has ever witnessed. First private citizen into space, first to Mars, first to who-knows-where-else.  

These men have the wealth to positively impact every single person on earth, literally save the world, but rather, they are racing each other to leave it! Such arrogance, such depravity, such callous disregard for those "employees" who worked, for often poor wages, to line the pockets of men who had a few good ideas.

Branson, Bezos, and the others did not "earn" their wealth... their workers created it for them! And we, the consumers of their goods and services, are fully complicit in their schemes. These men, often hailed as heroes, and inspirational, are morally bankrupt, empty, and the poorest of the poor. They are devoid of humanity. The debt they owe to society towers to the heavens that they are trying so desperately to reach. 

There is a climatic scene in the old movie, "The Wizard of Oz", when Toto, Dorothy's dog,  pulls back a curtain to reveal that the All Powerful Wizard, is in fact a wizened old man using various devices to manipulate everyone, he's exposed as a fraud. 

Well folks, that's what's playing out before us now...   these billionaires are not givers, they are takers. Their "achievements" (such as they are) in space will contribute nothing to the greater good. It will be a "cold day in hell" before anything from this vanity "space race" will make life better for any of us.  

Jesus, our Lord and Creator of the universe, gave humanity a plan for life.... it was to help the world, respect it, contribute to the well-being of our fellows, not exploit it and them. When Jesus used His authority, He washed people's feet, healed them, forgave their sins, renewed their lives, and in the ultimate sacrifice, gave His life to ensure an open heaven for us all.   

Jesus said.... For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Mark 8:36  NKJV

Yet, these men, who have been given wealth and power to change the world and its inhabitants, are living entirely for themselves. Their lives tell a story, and it's not a pretty story, and I doubt that (for these men) it will have a happy ending. 

Jesus said wealth was a gift from God to be used in His service (Matthew 25:14-30). Those who have been blessed with wealth must share generously with the poor (Matthew 25:31-46), and avoid the sins of arrogance (1 Timothy 6:17-19), dishonesty (Exodus 20:15, Mark 10:19, Luke 3:12-14) and greed (Luke 12:13-21). 

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