Saturday 4 July 2020

Porridge with King David

Several years ago I spent a very interesting 3 hours with an Israeli archaeologist, who was attached to the Consulate of Israel in Auckland. I was doing some research for a book that I was writing (and I still am writing it) The archaeologist agreed to meet for lunch, however we were both so interested in what the other was doing that neither of us really wanted the meeting to end.

He brought 2 fascinating items with him, both of which filled me with the same wonder that I felt when a looked at a clay tablet "signed" by King Nebuchadnezzar II, now residing in The British Museum in London, England. This is the King that conquered Judah and Jerusalem and drove the Jews into exile in Babylon.

What were the items that so inspired me?

One was a three thousand year old cereal bowl, much like something that you would eat your breakfast muesli from today, and the other was an eight thousand year old flint adze, the likes of which you most probably don't have in your kitchen knife drawer.

The bowl had been carefully restored, and apart from the glaze having long ago faded, it looked and "felt" modern. The adze fitted my hand perfectly, and was clearly designed as a cutting tool. As I sat in a cafe in Auckland, eating my bagel and drinking English Breakfast tea, I was one with the ancient creator of this stone age tool.

The bowl had a very provable link to ancient Israel's past. My archeologist friend had dug (and restored) this item himself, from a site near the Valley of Elah, and that together with other items found established that the site was one that David (later King David) had used many times when he was "on the run" from Israel's first king, King Saul. I was holding David's porridge bowl!

King David is a  "hero" of mine, and has been from the very first time I read the story in Sunday School of his battle with Goliath to the numerous times I have recited Psalm 23 at funerals, I have always related to his trials and victories. I once wrote a short stanza celebrating David's courage.

Five smooth stones...
With these David faced the giant.
No armor nor shield,
A boy, not a man
Faced the enemy of God's people

Fear and trembling filled
The men of Israel
The Philistines stood and scoffed...
Held a mighty army at bay.

Five smooth stones...
And complete faith
in the God of Israel...
With his catapult ready
He Faced Goliath...

His aim was true
His faith complete ...
His victory assured,
Why then the five stones...
Goliath had four brothers....*

* 2 Samuel 21:16-22 MKJV

You too can be filled with the same courage that flowed through David's veins.

Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes; reverently fear and worship the Lord and turn [entirely] away from evil. Proverbs 3:5-7 Amplified bible

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