Saturday 11 April 2020

What's in The Garbage Bin?

I had the unsavory task recently of trying to find something that I accidentally thrown out with the garbage. I was amazed at the collection of stuff that constitutes a week’s waste material in our small household. By the time I sorted through the detritus there was a pile of rubbish on the floor our garage, composed of stuff that I thought I would never see or have to smell again! All I can say is that I am glad I am not a fly… none of the stuff that I sorted through belonged on the floor, its rightful place was in the in our garbage bin.

When I found what I was looking for, I quickly returned the scattered contents to their rightful place…. the garbage bin!

As I washed my hands after this smelly experience, I reflected on how often I have left my personal “garbage” lying around for others to become offended at, burdened with or troubled by it. What do I mean? How many times have I had a “pity party” in front of others? Or made sure that others have been around to lend a “sympathetic” ear to my faultfinding and nitpicking?  

Many of us make sure that we have someone else around before we “unburden” our complaining, whining or criticizing…. or worse! What we usually fail to recognize is that when indulge in complaining, or become critical of the way something is done, our accusation focuses on the minor, and we normally loose sight of the “big picture”. We are trying to look at the tapestry, and work out its intricate pattern by looking at the threads on the reverse. We also fail to remember that our faultfinding is silently being observed by an unseen witness…. our Lord. We fail to see that we are “infecting” others with our polluting garbage…. when rivers of living water are meant to issue from our bellies!

He who believes on Me, as the Scripture has said, "Out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. John 7:38

When we dump our garbage on others we show that we are no better than the Israelites of old. We read this very sobering verse in Numbers 11:1The people complained about their hardships in the hearing of the Lord, and when He heard them, His anger was aroused.  Then fire from the Lord burned among them and consumed some of the outskirts of the camp."

The Lord God was aware of the murmurings of the people, even if Moses was not… just as in our own lives, God is aware of our discontent, even if those around us are not. The sin arises not from having feelings of discontent and frustration, but rather what we do with those feelings. As we go through each day we will accumulate some garbage…it’s inevitable, it’s part of our fallen human condition.

God doesn’t just expect us to ignore our feelings, or even burry them. He wants us to be mature enough to deal with them! God knows the secret fretting and murmurings of our hearts, however well they be concealed from men.  

Our garbage needs to be disposed of in the right and proper manner…. not scattered all over the place for others to pick over. King David knew the secret of garbage disposal…. I cried to the LORD with my voice; with my voice to the LORD I made my supplication. I poured out my complaint before him; I showed before him my trouble. Psalm 142:1-2. Webster’s Translation

A dry well, or living waters. 
It does us no service at all to continually recycle our woes and troubles… we are to take them to the Lord, and allow Him to deal with them. He is not going to be “infected” or poisoned by anything we might have residing within us. God’s “complaint desk” should be our first “port-of-call” whenever we have an issue that requires dealing with, whether it is another who has hurt us, let us down, betrayed us, or whether it be an issue of our own making… jealously, geed, or whatever else constitutes spiritual garbage.

When our spirits are overwhelmed by distress, and filled with discouragement, when we see snares laid for us on every side, while we walk in His way, we may reflect with comfort that the Lord knows our path, and that He has the best garbage disposal business in the universe. 

 From God's Word. 

Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb Revelation ESV 22:1

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