The man pulled out his calculator and started punching in numbers. “To be two degrees off from when you blast off, and taking into consideration the time and distance traveled, you’ll miss not only your point of orbital entry, but you’ll miss the moon by 11,121 miles.”

If James Cook had been 2 degrees off course when he left England on his first voyage of discovery in August 1768, he would not have discovered New Zealand, nor would he have made it home. Cook, his crew and ship would have become entombed in the ice fields that surround Antarctica.
A 2% rate increase on a $200,000 mortgage with a life of 25 years will cost an extra $75,600! A 2% rate increase on a compounding interest retirement savings scheme with a monthly deposit of $100 will return an extra $97,000 if the saver were to retire at 60! That's an impressive increase on the expected $452,700 the account would return if the interest rate did not change.

Social scientists have observed for years that the quality and nature of a whole culture can be changed if just two percent of the population has a new vision of what needs to be done and starts doing it. Social engineers are also well aware of this fact, and craftily manipulate citizens with that great catch-cry "public opinion".
Advertisers consider a 2% "strike rate" with that modern bane of urban society, "junk mail" a good return on their dollar. Just imagine, for one crazy moment if 2% of us who carry the Lord's name actually decided to change the condition of our decaying society!

In 1905 a group of young people got together in Wales, and ignited a conflagration that swept the world, ushering millions into God's Kingdom: and yet, for many Welsh people today, 1905 is remembered not for the religious revival but for the glorious day when the Welsh international rugby team defeated the unbeaten New Zealand ‘All Blacks’.
If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14
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