Wednesday 5 September 2012

What lies beneath...

The picturesque village of Graun, in the Tyrolean Alps (Austria/Italy) was wiped off the map when it was flooded by the artificial enlargement of Lake Reschen, the by-product of a hydro-electric power station and dam built in the early 1950’s. 

All that remains to remind anyone of the village’s presence is the spire of the church consecrated to St.Katharina, built during the 14th century.   

The valley that Lake Reschen rests in is also home to one of Europe’s finest Benedictine abbeys, the Monastery of Marienberg; the crypts of this ancient religious community contain some of the best Romanesque frescoes in the world. There are several other architectural and natural delights in this alpine region, but the most photographed object is the “spire in the lake”. Usually, in winter, the lake freezes over, creating an even more “other worldly” aspect to this once otherwise unremarkable house of worship.  

Faith can often be like this spire… few, if any people seldom see more than the tip of another person’s faith, as it is most often forged in the fires of trials and adversity. It’s what lies beneath that matter’s most. We can talk about faith ‘till the cows come home, but unless it’s tried and tested, faith is little more than theory, a word in the dictionary. 

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1 

Simple belief of the scriptures being founded on the testimony of the sacred writers is called historical or speculative faith; it’s a faith little distinguished from the belief of the existence and achievements of Alexander the Great or William the Conqueror.

Faith that “gets us through” those fiery times, when all around us is turning to ruin, is what Paul is talking about in his letter to the believers at Corinth… “For we walk by faith, not by sight” 2 Corinthians 5:7

In other words our life should not be governed by the outward, but by the immortal hope that is ours. We believe in an invisible God, who rules the universe from a place unseen, regulated by laws that we do not understand. To walk by faith, is to live in the wonderful expectation of things that are to come; in the belief of the existence of unseen realities; and experiencing them, here and now, allowing them to influence us as if they were seen. This kind of faith is justifying, saving faith; the unreserved giving of our life and will to God’s guidance… relying on Christ alone for salvation; living, not as masters of our own destiny, but rather as willing bond-servants in His Kingdom.     

Non-believers are influenced only by the things that are seen. They live for wealth, honor, splendor, praise, for the tangible objects which this world can furnish, as if there were nothing which is unseen, beyond this realm.

Is it real, or an illusion?
It’s a paradox; God is unseen - but we live, think, and act as if there were a God, and as if we have seen Him. Christ is unseen now by us; but the Christian lives and acts as if He were seen, that is, as if He was watching us, and as if He was now exalted to heaven and was the only Saviour.

The Holy Spirit is unseen; but we live and act as if there were such a Spirit and as if His influences were needed to guide and purify the soul. Heaven is unseen; but we live, think, and act as if there were a heaven, and as if we now saw its glories.

Jesus said, "Whoever would save their life will lose it and whoever loses their life for My sake will save it" Luke 9:24. 

No material prosperity can compensate for the loss of eternal life. We take risks by trusting God's leading, which may take us to some uncomfortable places. We do what's right, even though it may not bring us success.

What lies beneath your faith?

1 comment:

Jean said...

As always, your prception and insight gives me a great deal to think about, keep up the great work.