Wednesday 20 June 2012

Sunrise surprise!

Are you a morning person? You know the sort…. Up before sunrise, singing with the birds that make up the “dawn chorus”? Was this proverb written for you?

If a man loudly blesses his neighbor early in the morning, it will be taken as a curse. Proverbs 27:14

Perhaps you are the sort of person who is surprised by the fact that there are actually sunrises!

I love watching the sunrise… the eastern morning sky takes on a living vibrancy as it colors from delicate pale pinks to deep, sensuous vermilion, a rich pallete of colors filled with God’s eternal promise of life and mercy.

 I have occasionally risen early and driven to the beach an hour or so before sunrise, and just sat and waited. One thing that I have discovered…. You can rely upon the sun to rise on time! It’s as trustworthy as the Creator of that giant thermonuclear ball that warms us all and gives life to this planet.

They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness. It is by Jehovah's kindnesses that we are not destroyed, because His mercies never fail. Lamentations 3:22-23

As the words of that old poem/hymn “Hues of the Rich Unfolding Morn” by John Keble, tell us, morning brings a time of freshness and refection.

Every new day, He will not fail.  Zephaniah 3:5. 

Just seven little words that are as eternal and dependable as Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross at Golgotha! No matter who lets us down, the Lord God Almighty will never let us down! 

We need that daily assurance of God’s unfailing grace and mercy in our lives… we were created to live our lives in daily episodes. We don’t experience life in weeks, months or years, or decades… it’s day by day. 

In Psalm 68:19, we're assured that God is our “Savior, who daily bears our burdens”.

Likewise we have the awesome privilege of renewing our devotion to Jehovah each new morning.  So will I sing praise unto your name forever, that I may daily perform my vows. Psalm 61:8

There will be days when even the effort of getting out of bed will be a battle, other days when the events that lie ahead will be a trial and the thought of facing the tribulations cause very real pain. Then there will be days that set our spirits skipping, soaring and freewheeling across the heavens as experience the Lord’s love in some new way.

Regardless of the circumstances of the day, God’s words to Zephaniah are real and trustworthy.  Every new day, He will not fail.  Why not make those words your personal anthem? Inscribe them upon your heart. Why not read them aloud now as you read this blog; you need to hear them!  

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1 comment:

Nicster said...

Such an encouraging post. I particularly liked how you talk about us living day by day rather than in weeks or months. Sometimes day by day is all we can handle and it's so comforting to know that God is there for us each and every day.